Physical Rehab

Many people find themselves in need of physical therapy at some point. Perhaps you suffered a workplace injury or were involved in a car accident. Major illnesses, serious health conditions, and invasive surgeries may also leave the body weak and in need of a helping hand to recover. Chiropractors and physical therapists focus on resolving underlying issues and strengthening bodies. If you live in or near Boynton Beach, FL, and need physical rehab, get in touch with Dr. David Mote. By working with Dr. Mote, you may be able to greatly improve your overall quality of life and wellness.

The Chiropractic Approach together with Physical Rehab
Chiropractors take a hands-on approach to care and a holistic view of the body. All the different systems in your body are connected, meaning problems are often connected. Issues with your legs, for example, could cause problems in your back, and vice versa. Custom orthotics for your feet could relieve pain in your lower back, and chiropractic adjustments applied to the lower back may relieve numbness and pain in your legs.

If you were in a car accident and suffered whiplash, straining your back and especially your neck, it could cause headaches and jaw pain. Why? The strained and damaged muscles in your neck could pull on your head.

Given the above, Dr. Mote will strive to understand what your individual problems are and how they can be resolved. While pain medications may have a role in your rehab treatment, it's crucial to identify the root causes of your problems and then address them. Pain medication often fails when it comes to resolving underlying issues.

Physical therapy, on the other hand, can be used to strengthen the body and address issues that are triggering pain, limiting mobility, or otherwise reducing your quality of life. This can also help patients reduce their dependence on medication, which can have bad side effects. That said, chiropractors do work collaboratively with other providers. If you'd like to start your physical rehab in Boynton Beach, FL, come see Dr. Mote.

Speeding Up and Improving Recovery
It's possible that your body will eventually heal on its own. While many people may suffer chronic pain if they don't see rehab, some patients do seemingly recover. However, unseen damage could result in chronic pain months or even years from now, and you may not even realize it was connected to an issue from long ago. Thus, with physical rehab, you can enjoy relief now while also reducing how long you need to recover and lowering the risk of future issues.

Contact Dr. Mote by calling 561 742 3283. Once in touch, you can work with him to craft a custom physical rehab plan in Boynton Beach, FL.